Self Penned Articles
'Writing What You Want and Falling in Love"
Written by Laura Wyatt O'Keeffe for Elite Squad Blog. Also published by Inked In.
V e s s e l
Interview for Vile Arts, Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2018
West End Wilma, Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2018.
A f t e r M e d e a
"Everyone’s love story is epic to them, so I knew I wanted to explore this impossible love story with people who are at the beginning of their own love stories.”
After Medea interview by The Yuppie - Mosta Amphitheatre, Malta 2017
A r r i v a l
"It's rare that we see work about motherhood, particularly work that explores the idea that not all women are born to be mothers."
Arrival interview by The New Current - Ugly Duck, London, 2016
"One thing is for sure; we're defined by our stories and in the telling of them, we are discovered."
Arrival review by Inked In - Ugly Duck, London, 2016
wish i was...
wish i was... review by 17% - Hornsey Town Hall, London, 2016
wish i was... review by The Irish Examiner - Theatre Development Centre, Cork, 2013
wish i was... review by Plays To See - Theatre Development Centre, Cork, 2013
I n t e r v i e w s
Interview by the Evening Echo, Cork, 2018
"What is your hidden talent? You can’t afford to be hiding talents in my industry."
Interview by The Independent, Cork 2018
Interview by the Evening Echo, Cork, 2016
"The character and story belongs to the audience, and it's about telling that story."
Interview by The Cork Independent, 2015
Interview for University College Cork's Alumni series, 2015